Module ssh2net.decorators


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import logging
import multiprocessing.pool
import time

channel_log = logging.getLogger("ssh2net_channel")

def operation_timeout(attribute):
    Decorate an "operation" -- raises exception if the operation timeout is exceeded

    This decorator wraps an entire "operation" -- in other words for each send_input or
    send_inputs_interact this decorator wraps that entire operation. The `comms_operation_timeout`
    value governs this timeout decorator -- and as such it should always be larger than the base
    `session_timeout` argument plus the amount of time that `channel_timeout` decorator will delay
    while retrying the read operation.

    Note: Different versions for Windows vs POSIX systems as I think the Windows version is ugly
    and would prefer to not use it if possible. I imagine there is a better way to implement
    a OS dependant decorator, but for now this works!

        attribute: attribute to inspect in class (to set timeout duration)

        decorate: wrapped function

        TimeoutError: if timeout exceeded

    import signal  # noqa

    def _raise_exception(signum, frame):
        raise TimeoutError

    def decorate(wrapped_func):
        def timeout_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
            timeout_duration = getattr(self, attribute)
            if not timeout_duration:
                return wrapped_func
            old = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, _raise_exception)
            signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, timeout_duration)
                return wrapped_func(self, *args, **kwargs)
                if timeout_duration:
                    signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, 0)
                    signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, old)

        return timeout_wrapper

    return decorate

def operation_timeout_win(attribute):
    Decorate an "operation" -- raises exception if the operation timeout is exceeded

    See documentation for "operation_timeout"

    This is a variation of the "operation_timeout" decorator that supports windows. I think the
    Windows version is ugly and would prefer to not use it if possible, so the ``
    module checks for os type and imports the appropriate version to not use this if it can at all
    be avoided.

        attribute: attribute to inspect in class (to set timeout duration)

        decorate: wrapped function

        TimeoutError: if timeout exceeded


    def decorate(wrapped_func):
        def timeout_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
            timeout_duration = getattr(self, attribute)
            pool = multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool(processes=1)
            args = [self, *args]
            async_result = pool.apply_async(wrapped_func, args, kwargs)
                return async_result.get(timeout_duration)
            except multiprocessing.context.TimeoutError:
                raise TimeoutError

        return timeout_wrapper

    return decorate

def channel_timeout(exception_to_check, attempts=5, starting_delay=0.1, backoff=2):
    Decorate read operations; basic backoff timer to try to read channel for reasonable time

    This decorator wraps individual read operations. If/when the read operation times out
    (timeout configured by `session_timeout`), run a basic backoff process retrying five times

        exception_to_check: Exception to handle; basically if this exception is seen, try again
        attempts: number of attempts to make to retry
        starting_delay: initial backoff delay
        backoff: backoff multiplier

        decorate: wrapped function

        N/A  # noqa


    def decorate(wrapped_func):
        def retry_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
            attempt, delay = attempts, starting_delay
            while attempt > 1:
                    return wrapped_func(self, *args, **kwargs)
                except exception_to_check:
          "Retrying read operation in {delay} seconds...")
                    attempt -= 1
                    delay *= backoff
            return wrapped_func(self, *args, **kwargs)

        return retry_wrapper

    return decorate


def channel_timeout(exception_to_check, attempts=5, starting_delay=0.1, backoff=2)

Decorate read operations; basic backoff timer to try to read channel for reasonable time

This decorator wraps individual read operations. If/when the read operation times out (timeout configured by session_timeout), run a basic backoff process retrying five times


Exception to handle; basically if this exception is seen, try again
number of attempts to make to retry
initial backoff delay
backoff multiplier


wrapped function


N/A # noqa
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def channel_timeout(exception_to_check, attempts=5, starting_delay=0.1, backoff=2):
    Decorate read operations; basic backoff timer to try to read channel for reasonable time

    This decorator wraps individual read operations. If/when the read operation times out
    (timeout configured by `session_timeout`), run a basic backoff process retrying five times

        exception_to_check: Exception to handle; basically if this exception is seen, try again
        attempts: number of attempts to make to retry
        starting_delay: initial backoff delay
        backoff: backoff multiplier

        decorate: wrapped function

        N/A  # noqa


    def decorate(wrapped_func):
        def retry_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
            attempt, delay = attempts, starting_delay
            while attempt > 1:
                    return wrapped_func(self, *args, **kwargs)
                except exception_to_check:
          "Retrying read operation in {delay} seconds...")
                    attempt -= 1
                    delay *= backoff
            return wrapped_func(self, *args, **kwargs)

        return retry_wrapper

    return decorate
def operation_timeout(attribute)

Decorate an "operation" – raises exception if the operation timeout is exceeded

This decorator wraps an entire "operation" – in other words for each send_input or send_inputs_interact this decorator wraps that entire operation. The comms_operation_timeout value governs this timeout decorator – and as such it should always be larger than the base session_timeout argument plus the amount of time that channel_timeout() decorator will delay while retrying the read operation.

Note: Different versions for Windows vs POSIX systems as I think the Windows version is ugly and would prefer to not use it if possible. I imagine there is a better way to implement a OS dependant decorator, but for now this works!


attribute to inspect in class (to set timeout duration)


wrapped function


if timeout exceeded
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def operation_timeout(attribute):
    Decorate an "operation" -- raises exception if the operation timeout is exceeded

    This decorator wraps an entire "operation" -- in other words for each send_input or
    send_inputs_interact this decorator wraps that entire operation. The `comms_operation_timeout`
    value governs this timeout decorator -- and as such it should always be larger than the base
    `session_timeout` argument plus the amount of time that `channel_timeout` decorator will delay
    while retrying the read operation.

    Note: Different versions for Windows vs POSIX systems as I think the Windows version is ugly
    and would prefer to not use it if possible. I imagine there is a better way to implement
    a OS dependant decorator, but for now this works!

        attribute: attribute to inspect in class (to set timeout duration)

        decorate: wrapped function

        TimeoutError: if timeout exceeded

    import signal  # noqa

    def _raise_exception(signum, frame):
        raise TimeoutError

    def decorate(wrapped_func):
        def timeout_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
            timeout_duration = getattr(self, attribute)
            if not timeout_duration:
                return wrapped_func
            old = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, _raise_exception)
            signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, timeout_duration)
                return wrapped_func(self, *args, **kwargs)
                if timeout_duration:
                    signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, 0)
                    signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, old)

        return timeout_wrapper

    return decorate
def operation_timeout_win(attribute)

Decorate an "operation" – raises exception if the operation timeout is exceeded

See documentation for "operation_timeout"

This is a variation of the "operation_timeout" decorator that supports windows. I think the Windows version is ugly and would prefer to not use it if possible, so the module checks for os type and imports the appropriate version to not use this if it can at all be avoided.


attribute to inspect in class (to set timeout duration)


wrapped function


if timeout exceeded
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def operation_timeout_win(attribute):
    Decorate an "operation" -- raises exception if the operation timeout is exceeded

    See documentation for "operation_timeout"

    This is a variation of the "operation_timeout" decorator that supports windows. I think the
    Windows version is ugly and would prefer to not use it if possible, so the ``
    module checks for os type and imports the appropriate version to not use this if it can at all
    be avoided.

        attribute: attribute to inspect in class (to set timeout duration)

        decorate: wrapped function

        TimeoutError: if timeout exceeded


    def decorate(wrapped_func):
        def timeout_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
            timeout_duration = getattr(self, attribute)
            pool = multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool(processes=1)
            args = [self, *args]
            async_result = pool.apply_async(wrapped_func, args, kwargs)
                return async_result.get(timeout_duration)
            except multiprocessing.context.TimeoutError:
                raise TimeoutError

        return timeout_wrapper

    return decorate