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2023.07.30 (in development)

  • Expand channel auth patterns to include "no matching host key"


  • Expanded ANSII escape sequence handling in #265 thanks to @erwinkinn
  • Improved handling of "preferred_auth" and ssh agent bits in the asyncssh transport thanks to @alekshi work in #266
  • The usual keeping up with bumping dev pins for linters, docs and the like
  • Remove NULL bytes left in telnet transports
  • Run telnet and asynctelnet tests on cisco_nxos (functional tests)


  • Big thanks once again to @haccht (and to @egreenspan2 for raising an issue on this as well) for fixing up some broken telnet control character handling, and for porting that to async side of things as well!


  • Added to make sure requirements files are in source distribution see #216
  • Move weekly build to develop branch so weekly build doesn't fail for "stale" main branch reasons
  • textfsm_parse now supports passing in a file or URL to load as the template file -- thank you to @haccht for this one -- see #215
  • Fixed some mypy/typing challenges around the scrapli "factory" context manager -- thank you to @erwinkinn for working on this
  • With lots of help from @netixx tracked down some silliness with timeout decorators not behaving how they should -- check out #233 for details on this
  • Overhauled the functional testing to align more closely with scrapligo and to remove all the old unnecessary dockerfile bits, replacing that completely with containerlab


  • Remove newline anchor in in-channel auth password pattern. Felt like a good/smart idea but Cisco in their infinite wisdom have some awful banner on IOL (CML/VIRL) things that doesn't end with a newline and too many people will hit that.
  • Move decorators back to function style -- fixes possible timeout issues as seen in #233
  • Modified escalate_priv methods to check for password prompt and desired prompt patterns and the current prompt pattern. There was an issue in scrapligo/containerlab where a cEOS device would not let you auth past enable until it is done "booting" up, and scrapli would just simply timeout as it didn't expect to see the exec prompt again. Thanks to @hellt for helping track this one down!
  • Replaced standard library telnetlib transport with custom telnet transport (still no external requirements) in very early preparation for telnetlib's deprecation.


  • Removed deprecated comms_ansi argument
  • Improved error handling/error message for insufficient permissions when opening ssh config/known hosts file (system transport)
  • Added support for hashed entries in known hosts file thanks to @kangtastic work in #174
  • Improved "in channel" SSH and Telnet authentication handling; better consistency between sync and async, patterns are now compiled only if/when needed
  • Added option to enable echo in PTYProcess (was originally removed from vendor'd code) -- should only be useful/necessary with netconf #165
  • Allow users to build their own open_cmd for system transport -- users can override this to do things like kubectl exec -it args args args or docker exec -it args args args to connect to containers in k8s/docker #166
  • Updated/fixed(?) Juniper shell patterns for "normal" and root shells #170
  • Support transport options being passed to asyncssh transport thanks to @cuong-nguyenduy work in #178 and #183
  • A handful of nice readability/simplicity improvements throughout the codebase thanks to @yezz123 in #188
  • Fix (add) missing kwarg for channel_log_mode in the driver layers "above" base driver
  • Update NXOS config pattern to include "+" to not break when entering TACACS config mode
  • Added support for encrypted SSH keys with ssh2 transport in #192 thanks to @shnurty
  • Fix/improve in channel SSH auth password prompt pattern to match scrapligo (which handles user@host password: strings)
  • Update ssh2-python requirements now that 3.10/Darwin release is available
  • Better exception/exception message for auth failures escalating privilege (network drivers)
  • Added a global Settings object -- for now only has an attribute for "SUPPRESS_USER_WARNINGS" to... suppress user warnings
  • Added read_callback method to GenericDriver/AsyncGenericDriver -- basically this is a fancier version of send interactive that lets you assign callbacks to things that scrapli reads rather than having to follow prompts in a linear fashion.
  • Dropped Python3.6 support as it is now EOL! Of course, scrapli probably still works just fine with 3.6 (if you install the old 3.6 requirements), but we won't test/support it anymore.
  • Added enable_rsa2 setting to paramiko transport options -- basically 2.9.0+ paramiko enables rsa2 support by default which causes key auth to fail on the test network devices, so we disable that by default, but exposet his flag so users can enable it if desired!


  • Added "% Unavailable command" to EOS failed_when_contains
  • Moved core platform failed_when_contains to base to not have to duplicate them in sync and async platforms
  • Add file_mode to the enable_basic_logging function, can now choose "append" or "write" for logfile
  • Add channel_log_mode to the base driver arguments; you can now choose "append" or "write" for this as well!
  • Improve reading until prompt methods; no longer use on the entire received byte string, now only checks for prompt on the last N chars where N is governed by the base channel args comms_prompt_search_depth attribute.. . this fixes an issue where scrapli could be wayyyyyy slow for very very large outputs (like full tables show bgp)
  • Fix bug (or just terrible initial idea!?) in asynctelnet that reset a timer back to a very small value that was used for testing; most people shouldn't have noticed an issue here, but if you had slow devices this could cause issues that "looked" like an authentication issue due to scrapli not having responded to all telnet control characters before punting to auth
  • Added commandeer to driver object; this is used to "commandeer" an existing connection but treat it like the new connection object (prompt patterns, methods, etc.) -- generally this would be used for using GenericDriver to connect to a console server, then "commandeering" that connection and turning it into an IOSXR/IOSXE/etc. connection object so you have all the "normal" behavior of scrapli
  • Add missing timeout on the asynctelnet open method
  • Add py.typed to hopefully do typing more correctly :P
  • BUGFIX: network drivers aborted configuration sessions if responses were failed even if the stop_on_failed arg was set to False; this has been fixed now so that sessions are only aborted if the response is failed and
  • Improved typing for send_interactive
  • Remove napalm dev requirement -- switch to scrapli-cfg for dev environment config management; something something eating dog food or whatever.
  • Deprecate comms_ansi -- if there is an ANSI escape sequence we will now just strip it out automagically; this is not currently a breaking change, but will be -- there is a deprecation warning now and comms_ansi will be fully removed in the 2022.01.30 release (and pre-releases).
  • Removed a sleep that was in the default on_open for IOSXR devices... this has been there a while and I think it was just a hold over from early early versions of scrapli that perhaps had a less robust in channel authentication handler. 1 second faster IOSXR for free! Yay!
  • Fixed an issue with system transport where the transport would get closed twice causing an unhandled exception -- thank you to Alex Lardschneider for finding this!
  • Added an example for the enable_basic_logging function as well as the commandeer method
  • Improved priv level handling -- if you try to acquire "parallel" privileges (ex. configuration and configuration exclusive in IOSXR) previously we would say things worked, but we would just stay in configuration mode. This has been fixed (hopefully)!
  • Move ansi escape pattern to compile globally, so it only compiles once (why it was never like that before... who knows)
  • Simplify the collect bits for integration tests... this is still not used heavily but hopefully will be soon!
  • Replace vrnetlab creds in examples with scrapli (felt confusing to have vrnetlab creds everywhere, plus functional testing is moving away from (but still supporting) vrnetlab test environment)
  • Crank up the rows/cols for system transport -> 80 rows, 256 cols -- this to align with scrapligo and to make it less common that users need to modify these values.
  • BUGFIX: fixed blocking read in async channel telnet authentication (thank you Dmitry Figol!)
  • Added not_contains field to privilege levels... this will help greatly simplify the necessary regex patterns, as well as allow us to ditch look arounds which go does not support... step one to a standardized community platform that works with python -or- go!
  • Simplified (at least a little... more would be good) patterns for privilege levels for core platforms.
  • Added _generic_driver_mode to the NetworkDriver classes -- this is a private mode as it should probably be used cautiously -- the idea here is that you can send any strings you want and scrapli will not care about privilege levels at all. See the discussion about this here.
  • BUGFIX: fixed asynctelnet issue with control character handling, thank you to @davaeron -- see #147
  • BREAKING CHANGE removed the transport.username_prompt and transport.password_prompt attributes of the telnet transports. All authentication has been moved into the channel, so it made no sense to leave these attributes on the transports. This may cause an issue for users that had explicitly set their prompts to something non-standard.
  • Finally added logic to auto set port to 23 for telnet :)
  • BUGFIX: fixed a rare issue where decoding bytes received from the channel (in the response object) would raise a UnicodedecodEerror; we now catch this exception and decode with ISO-8859-1 encoding which seems to be much less picky about what it decodes. Thanks to Alex Lardschneider for yet another good catch and fix!
  • Added interaction_complete_patterns to all "interactive" methods -- this argument accepts a list of strings/patterns; will be re-escape'd if each string does not start with and end with "^" and "$" (line anchors), otherwise will be compiled with the standard scrapli case-insensitive and multiline flags. If the interactive event finds any of these pattenrs during the course of the interacting it will terminate the interactive session. Note that this is entirely optional and is a keyword only argument so no changes are necessary to any existing scrapli programs.


  • BREAKING CHANGE PrivilegeLevel import location changed -- this will break things!
  • timeout_exit deprecated; will always close connection on timeout now
  • All exceptions rationalized/changed -- all exceptions now rooted in ScrapliException and scrapli should not raise any exception that is not rooted in this! It is of course possible that non-scrapli exceptions will get raised at some point, but all "common" exceptions will now follow this pattern.
  • Added opinionated logging option -- should be used only for debugging/testing, otherwise use your own logging setup!
  • Moved "in channel" auth into channel (for telnet/system ssh authentication)
  • Added channel_lock option, defaults to false
  • Added channel_log option
  • Decorators got reswizzled a little, no more requires open as the transports handle this. There is now a dedicated ChannelTimeout and TransportTimeout to keep things simpler.
  • All transport plugins are now in scrapli "core"
  • All (ok, most...) channel and transport args are now properties of the driver class -- this should remove confusion about where to update what timeout/value
  • Response._record_response is now public but only for linting reasons, people generally should ignore this anyway!
  • Python 3.6 will now require dataclasses backport
  • All driver methods now have only the "main" argument as an allowable positional argument, the rest of the arguments are keyword-only! For example, send_command you can pass a positional argument for command, but strip_prompt and any additional arguments must be keyword arguments!
  • BREAKING CHANGE Scrape/AsyncScrape renamed --> Driver/AsyncDriver -- given most folks should not be using these directly there will be no alias for this, just a hard change!
  • More improvements to IOSXE tclsh pattern handling; handles tclsh in exec or privilege exec mode now
  • read_until_prompt_or_time now supports regex patterns in the channel_outputs list (pass as a string, will be compiled for you)
  • Big improvements to Factory for users of IDEs -- factories now have proper typing data so you will have nice auto completion things there/typing will be much happier


  • Make log messages for textfsm and genie parsers failing to parse consistent as log.warning
  • Add factory example
  • Add "root" priv level to junos driver -- probably should be considered experimental for now :)
  • Fix issue where send_config unified result did not have finish time set
  • POSSIBLY BREAKING CHANGE: logger names have changed to be easier to get/make more sense -- the logger for each instance used to look like: "scrapli-channel-{{ HOST }}" which kinda was not really smart :). Loggers now look like: "scrapli.{{ HOST }}:{{ PORT }}.channel" -- can be channel|driver|transport!
  • Changes to test environment:
  • ~~Support running devices on localhost w/ nat'd management ports -- in "vrouter" mode (poorly named) -- this is enabled with the SCRAPLI_VROUTER environment variable set to on/true/something~~ Update 2022.01.30 - renamed to SCRAPLI_BOXEN but does the same thing!
  • Added bootvar into nxos base config -- when missing causes qemu nxosv to boot into loader prompt so thats no good
  • Replace resource settings in vdc in nxos to account for nxos instances with differing resources (memory/cpu)
  • Got rid of static license udi in iosxe config, replaced more certificate stuff so show run comparisons are easier on iosxe
  • NEW TRANSPORT asynctelnet transport is built using standard library asyncio, as such it is part of scrapli core
  • Should be considered beta for a while :)
  • Added a bunch of tests mocking streamreader/writer to ensure that this driver is well tested
  • Added asynctelnet support in nxos and juniper drivers (to change prompt for those platforms)
  • Support asynctelnet in base driver
  • auth_bypass for both telnet drivers completely bypasses not only auth (as it did previously) but also the auth validation where we confirm we got logged in successfully -- reason being is that for console servers and such you may not care about that, you may just want to log in and read data.
  • Removed unnecessary re-checking/verifying of ssh config file in system transport (was basically duplicated from base transport, so was pointless!)
  • Bumped all the default timeout values up as they were probably a bit on the aggressive side
  • Added eager argument to send commands/commands from file and config/configs/configs from file methods -- basically this eager mode will not look for a prompt between lines of commands/configs. This means that things have a tiny potential to get out of whack because we will just send things as fast as possible. In order to not totally break things we will (whether you like it or not!) wait and find the prompt on the last command/config in the list though -- that way we dont get too out of whack. This now means we can use eager to configure banners and macros and things and we no longer need to do the dirty send interactive workaround.
  • Added ScrapliConnectionLost exception and raise it if we get EOF in system transport -- with a message that is more clear than just "EOF" and some obscure line in ptyprocess!
  • Added tclsh privilege level for IOSXE
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent going to "parallel" privilege levels -- i.e. going from tclsh to configuration or visa versa in IOSXE or from configuration to configuration_exclusive in IOSXR
  • If no failed_when_contains is passed to send_interactive network drivers will now use the network drivers failed_when_contains attribute to bring it inline with the normal command/config methods
  • Added timeout_ops to send_interactive and wrap those methods with the TimeoutModifier decorator
  • Add logic to properly fetch socket address family type so we can handle IPv6 hosts (w/ scrapli-ssh2/scrapli-paramiko)
  • Added tclsh privilege level for NXOS, didn't even know that existed before!


  • Fix a regex that sometimes caused a failed functional IOSXR test
  • Add ptyprocess transport options for system transport -- sounds like this may be needed for huawei community platform to be able to set the pty process terminal size -- also added some basic testing for this
  • Update scrapli-ssh2 pin to latest version -- now supports keyboard interactive auth; also un-skipped all related EOS tests now that this works
  • Fix missing acquire priv in default on_open methods for nxos and eos async version
  • Fix incorrect textfsm_platform for iosxr (was cisco_iosxr, now is cisco_xr)
  • Remove unnecessary decorator on write operations for systemssh and telnet -- this operation shouldn't block so this was unnecessary; any issue here should raise some exception from the lower level library.
  • Playing around w/ adding coverage reports with Codecov


  • Improve logging in helper functions - especially around resolving ssh config/known hosts
  • Add ttp_parse_output method to Response object; add ttp_parse function in helper
  • Load requirements from requirements files and parse them for -- stop me from forgetting to update in one place or another!
  • Slacken the IOSXE configuration prompt pattern -- hostname(ipsec-profile) was not being caught by the pattern as it was expecting the part in parenthesis to start with "conf" - thank you Talha Javaid for bringing this up on ntc slack, and Alex Lardschneider for confirming the "fix" should be good to go!
  • Add community pip extra to install scrapli community
  • Minor README house keeping!
  • Made transport set_timeout saner -- I genuinely don't know what I was doing with that before... this included the base class as well as updating telnet and systemssh... in theory this could be a breaking change if you were just calling set_timeout for some reason without passing an argument... you probably weren't doing that... because why would you? There was some precedent for doing it like this before but it isn't worth caring about now :)
  • Did smarter things with imports in helper, added tests to make sure the warnings are correct
  • Dramatically simplified session locking... this had just gotten out of hand over time... now only the channel locks . This means that basically all inputs/outputs should go through the channel and/or you should acquire the lock yourself if you wish to read/write directly to the transport. Critically this means that all the external transport plugins AND scrapli-netconf need to be updated as well -- this means that you must update all of these if you are using this release! (requirements are of course pinned to make sure this is the case)
  • BREAKING CHANGE: removed ALL keepalive stuff... for now. This will probably get added back, but AFAIK nobody uses it right now and the implementation of it is frankly not very good... keeping it around right now added complexity for little gain. Keepalives will be back and improved hopefully in the next release. If you need them, please just pin to 2020.09.26!


  • Improved error handling/exceptions for scrapli Factory
  • Fixed issue where system transport did not properly close/kill SSH connections
  • Added 3.9-dev testing to GitHub Actions
  • Added initial testing/support of on_init callable to base driver -- the idea for on_init is mostly to allow scrapli_community platform creators to be able to add an additional callable to be executed after initialization of the scrapli object, but before any open method is called
  • Added initial testing/support of scrapli_community driver classes -- this would allow scrapli_community platform creators to create driver classes so that they can implement custom methods for each platform type if desired
  • Minor improvements to telnet transport to improve logging as well as authentication validation (are we authenticated); this also makes telnet look/feel a lot more like system which is nice for consistency reasons
  • Fix regression that caused scrapli to spam a bajillion log entries -- now a filter gets applied in both Channel and Transport base classes to snag the filter from the root scrapli logger and apply it to the base/channel loggers
  • Fully give into the warm embrace of dependabot and pin all the dev requirements to specific versions... dependabot can keep us up to date and this lets us not worry about builds failing because of dev requirements getting changed around
  • Fix ptyprocess file object closing issue


  • Added Packet Pushers scrapli episode to the README!!
  • Added NXOS and Junos mock ssh servers and created tests for open/close methods (silly tests but just ensures we send what we think we should be sending)
  • Created a property timeout_ops on the driver class -- this property will also set the timeout_ops value of the channel as well, this is just to make it so users don't have to do to set the timeout value... that was not super intuitive!
  • Update dev/test requirements to finally have pylama 2.6! This means that isort can be unpinned and free to update!
  • Add send_and_read method to GenericDriver -- this method allows you to send an input (at the current priv level ) and wait for a prompt, an expected output, or a duration.
  • Add eager flag to the channel send_input method -- this probably should not be used by many folks, but can be used to not read until the prompt pattern is seen. In other words, this will send an input, read the input off the channel and then return.
  • All exceptions that are raised due to catching an internal exception should now be raising "from" the caught exception -- mostly this is to appease Pylama, but may end up being nicer on the eyes/easier to see whats going on in some scenarios.
  • IOSXE now catches "Enable password:" for an escalation pattern from exec to privilege exec -- fixes #45
  • The "requires open" decorator has been updated/fixed to play nice with asyncio
  • timeout_ops has been converted from an int to a float to allow for more granular timeout control (the other timeouts remain as integers)
  • Few minor docstring fixes from copypasta issues :)
  • Update black pin/re-run black


  • Fixed the same get_prompt issue from the last release, but this time managed to actually fix it in async version!
  • Better handling of read_until_input -- stripping some characters out that may get inserted (backspace char), and compares a normalized whitespace version of the read output to the a normalized whitespace version of the input , fixes #36.
  • Improved system transport ssh error handling -- catch cipher/kex errors better, catch bad configuration messages.
  • Now raise an exception if trying to use an invalid transport class for the base driver type -- i.e. if using asyncssh transport plugin with the "normal" sync driver class.
  • Added links to the other projects in the scrapli "family" to the readme.
  • Created first draft of the scrapli "factory" -- this will allow users to provide the platform name as a string to a single Scrapli or AsyncScrapli class and it will automagically get the right platform driver selected and such . This is also the first support for scrapli_community, which will allow users to contribute non "core" platforms and have them be usable in scrapli just like "normal".
  • Overhaul decorators for timeouts into a single class (for sync and async), prefer to use signals timeout method where possible, fall back to multiprocessing timeout where required (multiprocessing is slower/more cpu intensive so dont use it if we dont have to).


  • Fixed a silly issue where get_prompt was setting the transport timeout to 10s causing user defined timeouts to be effectively ignored.
  • Improved telnet authentication handling -- previously if a return character was needed to get the auth prompts to kick into gear this could break auth.
  • Added "auth_bypass" to telnet transport.
  • Probably BUGFIX -- async functions were being decorated by the "normal" operation_timeout decorator -- created a mostly duplicated async version of the timeout decorator to wrap the AsyncChannel methods.
  • Fixed a maybe regression that caused drivers to try to authenticate (via interactive methods) even if a auth_secondary is not set. Added tests to make sure that we raise a warning if there is no secondary password set , but try to increase privilege without authentication, and of course if there is an auth secondary set, we obviously try to auth in the normal fashion.
  • Started thinning down the PtyProcess stuff to simplify and and remove all unnecessary parts, as well as add typing and docstrings... not done yet, but some progress!
  • Added additional asyncio example
  • Added blurb about versioning in README
  • Fixed a few README issues (incorrect methods/typos)
  • Updated notes about auth_bypass to include telnet support
  • Added SSHNotFound exception for system SSH/PtyProcess if ssh binary can't be found


  • Updated IOSXE base config to include netconf setup for consistency w/ scrapli_netconf
  • Removed "pipes" authentication for system ssh -- this is mostly an internal change that simplifies the way that system transport authenticates. We lose the ability to very easily read out of stderr what is going on so even if we auth with a key now we have to "confirm" that we are authenticated, but this removes a fair bit of code and unifies things as well as allows for the next line item...
  • Added support for auth_private_key_passphrase to system transport -- allows for entering ssh key passphrase to decrypt ssh keys
  • Added an example on how to deal with "weird" things like banners and macros -- these types of things change how the ssh channel works in that they are pseudo "interactive" -- meaning the prompt is modified/removed so scrapli can't ever "know" when a command is done inserting. It would be possible to support these types of config items more "natively" but doing so would lose some of the smarts about how scrapli enters/confirms inputs sent, so for now (and probably for forever) these will need to be configured in a "special" fashion
  • Updated IOSXE for functional tests to use 16.12.03 -- this includes updates to the base config/expected configs ... AFAIK there is some better netconf/restconf support in this version which may be handy for tests for scrapli-netconf
  • Update channel/drivers to never decode bytes -- this now only happens in the response object; primary motivation for this is to not have to decode/re-encode in general, and in scrapli-netconf in particular


  • Converted all priv levels to be kwargs instead of just args for setup -- simple thing but makes it more readable IMO.
  • Added to the Juniper prompt pattern to include matching the RE prompt that is on the line "above" the "normal " prompt as this was getting included in command output instead of being seen as part of the prompt by scrapli.
  • Convert driver privilege escalation prompts to use regex to match upper and lower case "P" in password prompt
  • Fix core drivers to actually allow for users to pass failed_when_contains, textfsm_platform, genie_platform, and default_desired_privilege_level
  • Add better exception/message for attempting to send command/config to a connection object that has not been opened
  • Add testing for on open/close methods of core drivers
  • Add send_config method to send a single configuration string -- this will automagically handle sending a full configuration, breaking it into a list of configs, sending that list with send_configs and then joining the responses into a single Response object... or of course you can just send a single config line with it too!
  • Add better handling/logging for SystemSSH transport when key exchange cannot be negotiated
  • Convert the _failed() method of MultiResponse to be a property so users can check .failed on a MultiResponse object more intuitively/sanely
  • ASYNC ALL THE THINGS... basically only an internal change, but hugely modified the guts of scrapli to try to be able to best support asyncio while still having the same api for sync and async. Again, if you dont care about aysncio this probably doesnt matter at all as all the "public" stuff has not changed for sync versions of things.
  • Completely overhaul unit tests -- unit tests now spin up an SSH server using asyncssh, this server is a very basic implementation of an IOSXE device. This fake IOSXE device allows for connecting/sending commands/handling log on stuff like disabling paging all in as close to the real thing as possible while being completely self contained and completely in python. Additionally since there was a lot of changes to break things out to be more granular with the async implementation the testing has evolved to support this.
  • Increased all hostname patterns to match up to 63 characters -- this is the hostname length limit for Cisco IOSXE at least and should be a reasonable value that hopefully doesnt really ever need to be changed/expanded now
  • Changing logging to create a logger associated with each object instance and include the name/ip of the host in the log name -- should make things a lot nicer with threads/asyncio/etc.
  • Moved from tox to using nox for handling tests/linting; originally this was because of some of the unit testing failing when ran via tox (now I believe this was because there was no TERM env var set in tox), but at this point nox is quite nice so we'll stick with it!
  • Added exception to be raised when users try to use system transport on Windows
  • BUGFIX: Added underscores to hostname patterns for IOSXE, IOSXR, NXOS, and Junos (not valid in EOS at least in my testing)
  • No more Windows testing, not worth the effort
  • BUGFIX: Added functionality to merge less specific (but matching) host entry data for ssh config file hosts -- meaning that we can now merge attributes from a "*" entry into a more specific host entry (see #21)
  • Add dependabot to see how we like having that friend around...


  • Add underscores to EOS config prompt matching
  • Actually fixed on_close methods that I could have sworn were fixed.... gremlins! (was sending prompt pattern instead of a return char... for copypasta reasons probably)
  • No longer "exit" config mode... given that send_command like methods already check to ensure they are in the right priv level there is no reason to exit config mode... just leave it when you need to. Should be a minor speed up if using send_configs more than once in a row, and otherwise should be basically exactly the same.
  • For NetworkDrivers we no longer set the channel prompt pattern depending on the priv level -- it is now *always
  • the combined pattern that matches all priv levels... this should make doing manual things where you change privileges and don't use scrapli's built in methods a little easier. Scrapli still checks that the current prompt matches where it thinks it should be (i.e. config mode vs privileged exec) though, so nothing should change from a user perspective.
  • Improve (fix?) the abort config setup for IOSXR/Junos
  • Add more helpful exception if ssh key permissions are too open
  • Convert PrivilegeLevel from a namedtuple to a class with slots... better for typing and is also mutable so users can more easily update the pattern for a given privilege level if so desired
  • Minor clean up stuff for all the core platforms and network driver, all internal, mostly just about organization!
  • Add "configuration_exclusive" privilege level for IOSXRDriver, add "configuration_private" and "configuration_exclusive" for JunosDriver, modify some of the privilege handling to support these modes -- these can be accessed by simply passing privilege_level="configuration_exclusive" when using send_configs method
  • Add support for configuration sessions for EOS/NXOS. At this time sessions need to be "registered" as a privilege level, and then are requestable like any other privilege level, and can be used when sending configs by passing the name of your session as the privilege level argument for send config methods
  • Add a space to EOS prompts -- it seems its very easy to add one to the prompts and scrapli did not enjoy that previously!
  • Give users the option to pass in their own privilege levels for network drivers, and also throw a warning if users try to pass comms_prompt_pattern when using network drivers (as this should all be handled by priv levels)
  • Created MultiResponse object to use instead of a generic list for grouping multiple Response objects
  • Added raise_for_status methods to Response and MultiResponse -- copying the requests style method here to raise an exception if any elements were failed
  • BUGFIX: fixed an issue with IOSXEDriver not matching the config mode pattern for ssh pub key entries.


  • Continued improvement around SystemSSHTransport connection/auth failure logging
  • Fix for very intermittent issue where pty fd is not available for reading on SystemSSH/Telnet connections, now we loop over the select statement checking the fd instead of failing if it isn't immediately readable
  • Implement atexit function if keepalives are enabled -- this originally just lived in the ssh2 transport, but needs to be here in the base Transport class as the issue affected all transport types
  • Added send_commands_from_file method... does what it sounds like it does...
  • Added send_configs_from_file method (NetworkDriver and sub-classes)... also does what it sounds like it does
  • Simplified privilege levels and overhauled how auth escalation/deescalation works. Its still probably a bit more complex than it should be, but its a bit more efficient and at least a little simpler/more flexible.
  • Removed comms_prompt_pattern from Network drivers and now build this as a big pattern matching all of the priv levels for that device type. This is used only for initial connection/finding prompt then scrapli still sets the explicit prompt for the particular privilege level.
  • Implemented lru_cache on some places where we have repetitive tasks... probably unmeasurable difference, but in theory its a little faster now in some places
  • Moved some Network driver things into the base NetworkDriver class to clean things up a bit.
  • Added an _abort_config method to abort configurations for IOSXR/Juniper, this is ignored on the other core platforms
  • BREAKING CHANGE: (minor) Removed now unneeded exception CouldNotAcquirePrivLevel
  • Made the get_prompt_pattern helper a little worse... should revisit to improve/make its use more clear
  • Fixed a screw up that had ridiculous transport timeouts -- at one point timeouts were in seconds, then milliseconds ... went back to seconds, but left things setting millisecond values... fixed :D
  • Added transport_options to base Scrape class -- this is a dict of arguments that can be passed down to your selected transport class... for now this is very limited and is just for passing additional "open_cmd" arguments to SystemSSHTransport. The current use case is adding args such as ciphers/kex to your ssh command so you don't need to rely on having this in an ssh config file.


  • Increase character count for base prompt pattern for Scrape, GenericDriver, and core drivers. Example: r"^[a-z0-9.\-@()/:]{1,32}[#>$]$" for the base IOSXEDriver comms_prompt_pattern has been increased to: r"^[a-z0-9.\-@()/:]{1,48}[#>$]$"
  • Improve the logging for SystemSSHTransport authentication
  • Fixed an issue where SystemSSHTransport auth would fail due to a login banner having the word password in the banner/text
  • Significantly increase the base timeout_ops value -- as this is not a timer that is going to cause things to block, it may as well be much higher for the default value to help prevent issues
  • Fixed an issue w/ ssh config file not parsing the last host entry
  • Added super basic tests for most of the examples -- just making sure they don't blow up... in general that should keep them in decent shape!
  • Removed cssh2 and miko transports from scrapli core. These have been migrated to their own repositories. From a users perspective nothing really should change -- you can still pip install scrapli[paramiko] to install the paramiko transport and the requirements (paramiko), and the actual usage (setting "transport" = "paramiko ") remains the same! This is mostly about keeping the core of scrapli as simple as possible, and also will hopefully help to illustrate that SystemSSH is the development priority for scrapli.
  • Convert many function calls to use keyword args for better readability throughout
  • Add a comms_auto_expand argument to the Channel; for now this is mostly not used, but may be useful in the future. The purpose of this is to handle devices that auto expand input commands to their full canonical name.
  • Hopefully(?) fixed a bit of an idiosyncrasy where the timeout_transport was being used to decorate read/write operations for telnet/system transports. This is no longer the case, the read/write methods are NOT decorated now , instead we rely on the timeout_ops to time these operations out OR the timeout_transport being set to the timeout value (telnet) or ServerAliveInterval value for system ssh.


  • BREAKING CHANGE: modify send_interact to just make more sense in general... now it supports 1->N "events" to interact with -- see the "handling prompts" section of README for updated example
  • Moved record_response of Response object to be a private method, shouldn't really be needed publicly
  • Moved authenticate and isauthenticated methods of ssh2/paramiko transports to private methods
  • Add auth_bypass option to ignore ssh auth for weird devices such as Cisco WLC -- currently only supported on system transport.
  • Bump timeout_transport up to 10 seconds after finding some issues for some users.
  • Add example for "non-standard" device type (Cisco WLC) demo-ing the auth_bypass, custom on_open method, custom comms_prompt_pattern and just general non-standard device stuff.
  • Add option (and make it the default) to have textfsm data returned in list of dict form with the headers being the keys and of course the row values as the values, should be much nicer on the eyes this way!
  • Added terminal width settings for the core drivers to set things as wide as possible so long commands don't have issues
  • Teeny tiny improvements that may make things a tick faster in Channel by using str methods instead of re
  • Create a draft of public api status doc -- this should be useful on a quick glance to see if/when any public methods change, obviously as development simmers down things should be stable but inevitably stuff will change , so the goal here is to just document when methods were introduced and the last time they were changed
  • Move some imports around so that scrapli works on windows (with paramiko/ssh2 transports)


  • Add support for parse_genie to Response object; obviously really only for Cisco devices at this point unless there are parsers floating around out there for other platforms I don't know about!
  • Add an atexit function for the ssh2 transport which forcibly closes the connection. This fixes a bug where if a user did not manually close the connection (or use a context manager for the connection) the script would hang open until an interrupt.
  • Added a GenericDriver for those with non-core platforms. The GenericDriver has a really broad prompt pattern match, doesn't know about privilege levels or any other device specific stuff, but does provide the send_command, send_commands, send_interact, and get_prompt methods just like the "core" drivers do. This should be a decent starting point for anyone working on non-core platforms!
  • Minor unit test improvement to cover send_commands (plural) and to cover the new GenericDriver
  • Improved auth failure handling for systemssh using pty auth (username/pass auth)
  • Add "failed_when" strings to the core drivers; these are used in the response object to help indicate if the channel input failed or succeeded. For scrapli not super super helpful, but nornir_scrapli will benefit from this as well!
  • Modify NetworkDriver to inherit from GenericDriver -- this allowed for some clean up of how/where Response objects get created/returned from. Channel now is much more de-coupled from whatever sits on top of it (this will be important for some netconf testing happening soon!).
  • Minor test de-duplication around ssh config/known hosts file gathering.
  • Added a few simple examples for structured data (textfsm/genie) and updated existing examples a bit.